LETS CARE is an EU-funded project that has as its main objective to identify determinants affecting student security as a root cause of underachievement, disengagement, and school dropout, at 4 different ecological levels: individual, relational, community, and political. LET’S CARE will create a theoretical and practical framework to foster Safe Learning, Safe Teaching, Safe Schools and Safe Education at each level as an approach to breaking the chain of transgenerational transmission of educational and social exclusion. This approach will generate lower rates of school failure, poor learning outcomes, and early school leaving.

The main proposal breakthrough is based on considering a relational response to educational exclusion and inequality, resulting in a model for understanding the importance of security to address underachievement and early dropout, and a relational approach to inclusive practices at school that will be translated into tools, recommendations, and guidelines for action, from ECEC to secondary and Second Chance schools. Multilevel, multistage, and intersectional research, exploring different European educational contexts, will be implemented, including 120 schools, 18,000 students, and 2,400 teachers from 6 European countries in 4 schools’ stages, with special attention to multi-disadvantaged learners.

LET’S CARE, supported by an expert consortium, will implement a holistic methodological approach, including co-creation mechanisms, and will translate research findings into the political approach, through the formulation of novel evidence-based policy recommendations, raising awareness on safe/caring schools, combating social exclusion of disadvantaged learners. 

Our role

Timelex leads the legal and ethical work in the LETS CARE project, providing practical guidance and support on topics relating to the legal (including GDPR) and ethical compliance of the research and the project implementation.


Project details

More information about the LET’S CARE project can be found on the project website: https://letscareproject.eu/ and the project page on the CORDIS website: https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101059425.

Funded by the European Union. This project has received funding from the European Commission’s Horizon Europe programme under Grant Agreement No. 101059425. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.