

The police operation Sky was a great success, but also raises questions about the protection of privacy when using a smartphone. Does the law provide enough safeguards to protect the confidentiality of a smartphone?


The study, which involved national experts from 30 countries, aims to find out to what extent mobile forensics are allowed under the different national criminal procedure rules, what safeguards and guarantees for data protection and human rights (especially fair trial) are present and when mobile

Cybercrime Europe | time.lex

At the European level, various attempts have been made to harmonize cybercrime legislation. In 2001 the Council of Europe’s Cybercrime Convention represented a first foray into this policy area and was followed by the 2005 EU Framework Decision on Attacks against Information Systems. As

Belgian Constitutional Court - Cyberstalking | time.lex

Different criteria for stalking and cyberstalking are not discriminatory.