
Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation in the home stretch
Information technology

After reaching an agreement on the so-called Crypto Travel Rule, an agreement was now also reached on the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation or MiCAR. In this blogpost, we will have a look at the legislative procedure so far and what has changed from the European Commission’s initial proposal.


In this article we discuss the practice of a best efforts obligation, strict obligation or guarantee commitment in IT contracts.


Timelex had the honour of assisting the EC in preparing a study supporting the impact assessment of policy options for an EU initiative on an EHDS. Read more.

Dark patterns
Privacy & data protection

On 14 March 2022, the EDPB published the 3/2022 guidelines on dark patterns on social networks, the non-transparent practices of influencing or even forcing users to make decisions about their privacy or rights. Read more about different examples defined by the EDPB.

Right of access
Privacy & data protection

The European Data Protection Board published draft guidelines on the right of access, which is seen as one of the fundamental rights of the data subject under the GDPR. This blogpost will summarize the main points in the guidance and will highlight some remaining points of discussion.

European Data Act
Privacy & data protection

The EU has long been debating about the need to ensure that access to data is possible more frequently, and on fairer terms. The Data Act is the result of these discussions and it regulates digital information in a very broad sense, including information generated by connected devices and various data held by businesses.

Legal questions
Privacy & data protection

What are the legal points of attention you need to pay attention to as an organiser? The 9 most pressing legal questions are answered in this blog.

Verifiable credentials

Essentially, verifiable credentials are a digital equivalent to paper based documents, which a holder can take with them, and present to any third parties that need to rely on them. What are the European rules and how can verifiable credentials help you?

Outsourcing your Justice Coordination Cell
Information technology

In this blogpost, we discuss two important and mandatory positions regarding the Justice Coordination Cell that may be outsourced.

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